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Blog Posts in Category: Property Management


Keeping Your Home Safe: A Guide to Responsible Hazardous Waste Disposal for Advent Property Owners and Renters

Keeping Your Home Safe: A Guide to Responsible Hazardous Waste Disposal for Advent Property Owners and Renters

Keeping Your Home Safe: A Guide to Responsible Hazardous Waste Disposal for Advent Property Owners and Renters Table of Contents: What Is Hazardous Waste? Why Proper Disposal Matters What Can I Do? Simple Steps to Safely Manage Hazardous Waste at Home Creating a Safer Home and Community What Is Hazardous Waste? Hazardous waste refers to materials that can pose serious risks to human health or the environment if they are not stored and disposed of properly. These items often contain chemicals that are flammable, toxic, corrosive, or reactive. While they may seem harmless when tucked away in a cupboard or garage, improper disposal can lead to accidents, injuries, or even long-term environmental damage.   more...


Navigating the 2023 Housing Market Landscape: What’s to Come?

Navigating the 2023 Housing Market Landscape: What’s to Come?

2023 has been a challenging year for the housing market. With seemingly soaring interest rates, low inventory on the market, and an inflated market things have been difficult for both Buyers and Sellers alike. Even now as we step into the latter half of 2023, the housing market remains a dynamic arena with truly life changing opportunities. When coupled with the right team, possibilities are endless for everyone. To find those opportunities, let’s dive into what the months ahead could look like if you’re in the market to purchase or sell your home.   more...


Your Preferred Property Management Group

Your Preferred Property Management Group

Advent Properties, Inc has been providing service beyond expectation to California Homeowners and Landlords since we were established in 2008. As we move into a shifting market, it’s important for us to continue expanding our ability to provide top notch services to all of those we continue to serve. Here are just seven reasons why we are your number one choice for Property Management:   more...


Employee of the Month - Tyler Powell, Listing Agent

Employee of the Month - Tyler Powell, Listing Agent

For the month of May, Advent Properties is proud to support our very own Leasing Agent, Tyler Powell. Tyler has been with the company now for over 3 years and is our sole Leasing Agent working directly with our owners to keep their properties occupied with our amazing tenants. Thanks to Tyler, Advent has an average of 28-40 days on Market for our properties. Which is less than the 30-60 average days you usually expect in the Bay Area. We sat down with Tyler and asked him questions on why he has so much success:   more...


Are you Correctly Preparing for Your Retirement?

Are you Correctly Preparing for Your Retirement?

As retirement approaches, many people are concerned about ensuring their financial stability. One way to achieve this goal is by investing in real estate. Purchasing a rental home can provide a stable source of income during retirement, but there are several things to consider before making such a significant investment.   more...


Why Young Adults Should Purchase a Home

Why Young Adults Should Purchase a Home

Buying a house can be a difficult task for anyone to do. So of course with student loans, an entry-level job, and the desire to travel and explore the world, it’s understandable why as a young person there’s the decision to rent over buying. However, homeownership presents many benefits that cause a significant impact to your financial future when choosing to purchase a home earlier rather than later. There’s a reason that Urban Institute finds $72,000 difference between those who purchase a home between 25 and 34, and those who waited to buy until 35 to 44.   more...


Tenant protection bill is failing in California Legislature, again

Tenant protection bill is failing in California Legislature, again

Photo by Kimson Doan on Unsplash   more...


Building Materials Prices Jump in January

Building Materials Prices Jump in January

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash According to the latest Producer Price Index (PPI) report released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the prices of goods used in residential construction ex-energy climbed 3.6% in January (not seasonally adjusted). The index was higher by a 25.4% jump in softwood lumber prices and 9.0% price increases for indoor and outdoor paint.   more...


What Happens After September 30th, 2021?

What Happens After September 30th, 2021?

'The state legislature adjourned this month without extending its eviction moratorium and the terms of AB 832. So, barring any extraordinary effort on either the governor or lawmakers, the state moratorium should, therefore, finally lapse on September 30, 2021. Beginning October 1, 2021, and continuing through March 2022, California will enter into the "COVID-19 Rental Housing Recovery Act." What this means in Alameda County
Nothing at all! For some of you, September 30, 2021, will be the proverbial "light at the end of the tunnel." But for those with rentals in Alameda County, the end of California's moratorium will have absolutely no effect, and properties will remain mired in local "emergency" ordinances, which still effectively prohibit ALL evictions indefinitely. Laws in both Oakland and Alameda County will only expire 60 days after the local emergency ends. Our honest assessment is that regular evictions will not be allowed in Alameda County until 2022 at the earliest. Only cases involving an "imminent threat to health and safety," post-foreclosure, forcible detainer, and at-will tenancies may move forward for the time being. Please reach out to us if these issues relate to your tenancy. What this Means Everywhere Else   more...


The Pros and Cons of Owning Multiple Rental Properties

The Pros and Cons of Owning Multiple Rental Properties

Being a rental property owner is something many strive for in their lives. Most of the time, financial advisors recommend owning a rental home is a great investment strategy in building wealth. But, “with great power comes great responsibility,” as you’ll always be required to adhere to the ever-changing local and statewide housing policies and laws. Owning multiple rental properties only ups the stakes, and as with anything else, there are plenty of pros and cons — but that’s where hiring a Property Management company plays a role; we’ll get into that throughout this article too.   more...


The Latest COVID-19 Tenant Relief Act Extension

The Latest COVID-19 Tenant Relief Act Extension

The California Apartment Association has published an array of compliance materials — including an Industry Insight document, an FAQ, and related forms — to help rental housing providers comply with AB 832, legislation signed into law earlier this month that extends the state’s COVID-19 eviction moratorium by three months.   more...


Reopening the economy is stabilizing the Bay Area rental market, but to what extent?

Reopening the economy is stabilizing the Bay Area rental market, but to what extent?

It’s no secret that rent prices were dropping quickly during the pandemic – especially in major Bay Area cities. But according to a recent analysis, there are signs the pandemic-weary rental market is edging up just a bit.   more...


The American Rescue Plan Act: Homeowner Assistance Fund

The American Rescue Plan Act: Homeowner Assistance Fund

The recently enacted COVID-19 relief legislation, the American Rescue Plan Act, included $9.9 billion in relief for homeowners to be administered through a new Homeowner Assistance Fund. These funds, which will soon be made available to eligible homeowners through their states, may be used for assistance with mortgage payments, homeowner’s insurance, utility payments, and other specified purposes.   more...


Top 3 Best Property Management in Oakland Awarded to Advent Properties, Inc.

Top 3 Best Property Management in Oakland Awarded to Advent Properties, Inc.

Nationally respected local business recommendation website, Three Best Rated, has acknowledged Advent Properties, Inc. as one of their 3 Best Property Management Companies in Oakland!   more...


How to Lower Your Property Taxes

How to Lower Your Property Taxes

Property taxes provide funds for schools, roads, and many other vital aspects of our community. However, that doesn't mean you should be paying more than you have to. If you're a veteran, disabled, over 65, or under certain income thresholds, you may qualify for a property tax exemption. Here are some other ways to lower your taxes:   more...