The 7-Day Declutter Challenge
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Categories: Decor Homes Safety
Published 07/02/2020
Spring and summer cleaning do not need to be an unwanted series of tasks. If you’ve added decluttering to your list of spring cleaning tasks, this seven-day challenge will get your home tidy and organized in no time—and with little to no added stress. These manageable steps should not take up too much of your day and will assist you with bringing a feeling of tranquillity and harmony into your home.
Monday: Living and Dining Rooms
- Start by cleaning drawers and cabinets.
- Remove any trash or unused items.
- Repurpose or donate any items that are not being used.
Tuesday: Kitchen
- Donate or sell any appliances you barely use.
- Trash expired items from the refrigerator, pantry, and cabinets.
- Donate unopened food.
Wednesday: Bedrooms and Closets
- Donate any items that no longer fit.
- Donate items you haven’t worn in the past year.
- Organize toys and books, and then donate any that are rarely used.
Thursday: Bathrooms
- Dispose of any expired makeup or toiletries.
- Reduce any beauty items to only those used regularly.
Friday: Office/desk space
- Organize and sort any papers you need to keep.
- Shred and recycle any papers you do not need.
- Donate old books you have already read to the local library or school.
Saturday: Storage Areas
- Donate or sell any furniture or household items you are not using.
- Store all seasonal items and holiday decorations in clearly labeled bins out of the way.
Sunday: Garage and Car
- Dispose of broken items or items that no longer work.
- Donate any items you don’t use.
- Clean out the car, removing any items that do not belong there.